Chef Reggie Aspiras

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Palm Sunday

This morning, I am sharing the email of my dear friend, Fr. Salvador “Buddy” Agualada, CMF who is currently assigned in Rome. It is about celebrating Palm Sunday in Quarantine. Here it is...

Greetings from Rome! I hope this will help you! Blessed Holy Week! Advance Happy Easter! God bless you all! Regards. Fr. Buddy

What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is a Christian feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter, which commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in the four Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke and John; see, for example, Matthew 21:1-9). 

Why is it called Palm Sunday?

It is called Palm Sunday because as Jesus was entering Jerusalem, people started singing “Hosannas” and took branches of palm trees and spread them on the road where he was passing by (John 12: 13).

What happens during the celebration of Palm Sunday?

In the Catholic Church all over the world, Palm Sunday is celebrated by the blessing of palm fronds or branches of other native equivalents as people participate in the reenactment of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. The blessing of palm fronds is done outside the Church, which people carry in a ritual procession into the Church. 

What is the meaning of donkey and palm fronds in Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem?

Jesus’ use of a donkey instead of a horse is highly symbolic; it represents the humble arrival of someone in peace, as opposed to arriving on a horse in war. Hence, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey signifies that he came as King of Peace rather than as King in war. Palm fronds are widely recognized as symbols of peace and victory.

What do we do with blessed palm fronds (or their equivalents)?

Because the palms are blessed, they cannot be discarded as trash. Instead, we keep them at home and place them at the altar for almost a year, as a way of reminding us of what happened to Jesus in his entry into Jerusalem and what it meant for him. Then, days before the next Ash Wednesday, they are appropriately gathered at the Church and incinerated to create the ashes that will be used in the Ash Wednesday observance.

Blessing of the Palms

Take in hand the branches you have prepared (or their substitute), and raise them up, waving them and singing the Sanctus to a familiar melody, in English. 

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.

Still holding the branches, hold them out in front of you. The leader of the prayer, with hands joined, says the prayer of blessing.

Increase the faith of those who place their hope in you, O God, and graciously hear the prayers of those who call on you, that we, who today hold high these branches to hail Christ in his triumph, may bear fruit for you by good works accomplished in him. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.



Prepare your prayer space:  place a candle, crucifix, and some palm or other branches from your garden (if possible) or add a plant from your home 

Perhaps the most memorable part of the Palm Sunday liturgy is the Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem. To help us celebrate, the church invites us to carry palm branches as we gather for prayer today. Even so, we remember that liturgy is not a recreation of a past events. Rather, it is an active remembering of the past so that we may live those realities today.  

Opening Prayer:  

Loving God, as we step into Holy Week, we remember your triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We sing your praises, shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David.” You alone are the true King, the leader greater than all others. Even so, in your great mercy you chose to become like us, taking on human form and living among us. As we celebrate and shout “Hosanna” today, may we remember what will soon follow. Keep us faithful in word and deed, and help us to love you always. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.  

Reading: Matthew 21:1-11  

When they drew near Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find an ass tethered, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them here to me. And if anyone should say anything to you, reply, ‘The master has need of them.’ Then he will send them at once.”  This happened so that what had been spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled: 

“Say to daughter Zion, ‘Behold, your king comes to you, meek and riding on an ass, and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’”   The disciples went and did as Jesus had ordered them. They brought the ass and the colt and laid their cloaks over them, and he sat upon them.  The very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and strewed them on the road. The crowds preceding him and those following kept crying out and saying: 

“Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest.” 

And when he entered Jerusalem the whole city was shaken and asked, “Who is this?”  And the crowds replied, “This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth in Galilee.” 

Litany  (if you have children you might pray this in a small procession around your home or garden area) 

We, too, welcome Jesus, the Son of David, the one who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. Holding our palm branches, let us acclaim Christ, the Lord.  

To Jesus, the True Light, who illumines the darkness and brings us hope during difficult times.  

R/. Hosanna to the Son of David!  

To Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who models compassion and inclusion, sensitivity and goodwill.  

R/. Hosanna to the Son of David!  

To Jesus, who shows us by example how to accompany others, offering gentle guidance and direction.  

R/. Hosanna to the Son of David!  

To Jesus, the Great Healer, who cares for the sick with tenderness and mercy, showing love to heal body, mind, and spirit.  

R/. Hosanna to the Son of David!  

To Jesus, the Paschal Victim, who died so that we might rise to new life.  

R/. Hosanna to the Son of David!  

Prayers of Intercession:  

Confident that Jesus Christ hears our prayer, let us offer our petitions with open hearts.  

For Pope Francis and all church leaders: May they continue to boldly lead, offering prophetic witness to the Gospel. R/. Lord hear our prayer 

For all people in positions of leadership: May they work tirelessly for peace and justice to ensure the common good for all.     R/. Lord hear our prayer 

For all families and communities, who are finding life difficult at this time: May they know the tenderness and compassion of Christ in the words and actions of those around them.  R/. Lord hear our prayer 

For all who are working to care for those suffering from Covid-19. May the Lord be their strength in these days.   R/. Lord hear our prayer 

For all who keep essential services operating for us: may they experience respect and kindness from all whom they encounter.    R/. Lord hear our prayer 

For our own needs this day: add your own prayers     R/. Lord hear our prayer 

For all who have died: May they rest and rise in Christ.   R/. Lord hear our prayer 

We pray in the words that Jesus taught us. Our Father . . .  

Closing Prayer:  

Loving God, We praise you in a special way today as we celebrate Palm Sunday. Be with us as we begin our journey through Holy Week that we may draw closer to you, knowing suffering and death, yet remaining hopeful in the life you promise. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.  

Sources: (for Prayer At Home On Palm Sunday) (for the Blessing of Palms)