
Belo Medical Group

Eat Your Way To Looking Gorgeous 24/7

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Everyone wants to look effortlessly beautiful every day. We know this is not an easy task, but we also know it is not impossible. So where do we start? We start by changing the food we eat. It’s about time we incorporate top beauty-enhancing food in our menus because looking good and feeling good, all starts with eating good.




Eggs are heaven sent. Aside from being tasty, it is high in protein which greatly helps in tissue repair. Its yolk is rich in fatty acids that helps moisturize the skin. Egg whites on the other hand have albumin that helps tighten the pores and lessen the oiliness.


Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene (as most of you already know). Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps improve the skin’s natural SPF. It also protects the skin from environmental pollutants and helps maintain the skin’s smoothness.

Mixing eggs and tomatoes will definitely perk up your morning and give you a head start on eating good to look good.


  • Olive Oil (14g)

  • Red Bell Pepper (1-med sized)

  • Jalapeno Peppers (1)

  • Onions (1/2)

  • Minced Garlic Cloves (2 1/2)

  • Cumin (3g)

  • Salt (4.5g)

  • Tomato Paste (24g)

  • Tomatoes (420g)

  • Water (60g)

  • Organic egg


  1. Chop bell peppers and jalapeños. Set aside.

  2. At medium heat, add bell peppers, jalapeños, onion, garlic, cumin, and 3/4 tsp of salt.

  3. Cook and stir occasionally until the onion becomes translucent.

  4. Add fresh tomatoes plus 1/2 cup of water.

  5. Bring mixture to a low boil.

  6. Simmer for 7 minutes with occasional stirring until the sauce becomes thick.

  7. Using the back of a large spoon, make small cutouts in the tomato sauce for the eggs.

  8. Crack each egg into each space. Do not stir.

  9. Cover and simmer for about 8 minutes until eggs are done to your preference.

  10. Sprinkle eggs with remaining salt, freshly ground pepper, and chopped cilantro.



If there’s a People’s Choice award for beauty food, salmon would definitely be it. Aside from being tasty, this fish is rich in Omega-3 which has anti-inflammatory compounds that helps slow down the aging process. So when you regularly take food packed with Omega-3, you’ll notice your skin will start looking healthy.

Salmon also contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment which improves skin elasticity. This helps in having fewer fine lines, making you look younger.


No doubt, yogurt would always be in the list of the top 10 favorite beauty foods. It’s packed with amino acids which promote collagen production. Collagen—as we all know, is crucial to healthy skin because it helps the skin become smoother, firmer, and more supple. Also, yogurt is rich in protein which supplies the foundation of having great skin, hair, and nails. No wonder the Greeks are so into it.

Combining these top two beauty foods will surely fill your tummies and give you that much-needed beauty boost.


  • Yogurt (1 cup)

  • Lemon Zest (1 tsp)

  • Parsley (1/8 tsp)

  • Dill (1/8 tsp)

  • Salt and Pepper (to taste)

  • Parmesan Cheese (2 tbsp)

  • Bread Crumbs (1/4 cup)

  • Salmon, fresh (500 grams)


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Use parchment paper instead of foil so salmon will be easier to remove.

  2. Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides of the salmon.

  3. Chop dill and parsley. Sprinkle onto salmon.

  4. Squeeze the lemon and lemon zest on salmon. Spread yogurt on top.

  5. Sprinkle the salmon with bread crumbs and parmesan.

  6. Bake for 10 minutes.



Let’s incorporate more sea food in your menu, shall we? Sea bass, like salmon is enriched with protein, Omega 3, and vitamins which are not only good for the health but also good for the skin. Increasing your intake of protein and Omega 3 protects your skin from harmful UV rays. Also as mentioned earlier, it helps in preventing signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Having sea bass for dinner will give you just the right amount of calories before you hit the sheets (since it is low in calorie). And because it’s delicious, you’re sure to wake up in the morning feeling good about yourself.

Please take note that salmon and sea bass are not the only seafood you can incorporate in your beauty food menu. Any cold-water fish will do. This means the fish should be caught from a cold-climate because cold-water fish, as I mentioned, are high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury. Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for the skin. It can help reduce flare ups and keep your skin healthy. Some examples of cold-water fish are salmon, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines. As for drinks, you can try salabat or fresh ginger tea. It has cucurmin which is also anti-inflammatory.

If you’re the type who’s not yet ready for big changes but are willing to take baby steps, try adding radish (as a side dish) to your every meal. Japanese are crazy about radish because it’s high in fiber and full of antioxidants. It helps your body fight free radicals and lessens the accumulation of toxins. No wonder the Japanese have really good skin. 

Speaking of good skin, Koreans also have one of the best skin textures. Why? It’s mostly because they consume a lot of kimchi. Kimchi is considered as one of the healthiest foods in the world. It contains enzymes, B vitamins, probiotic strains, antioxidants, as well as Omega 3 fatty acids. Aside from making the skin better, it also helps in weight loss. So, if you want to have Korean skin, you should try adding kimchi in your menus.


Sea Bass

  • 8 Stemmed shiitake mushrooms

  • 1 bunch stems of fresh cilantro

  • 2-inches of unpeeled ginger

  • 2 Peeled lemongrass stalks, white part only

  • 4 6oz. Sea bass fillet

  • Freshly ground black pepper and salt

  • 1/2 cup Olive oil

  • 4 oz. Finely diced pancetta

  • 8 Garlic cloves, minced

  • 12 Asparagus spears

  • 1 Cooked and julienned artichoke bottom

  • 1 bunch Spinach, steamed

  • Freshly ground black pepper and salt

  • Fresh basil for garnish

Thai Curry Sauce

  • 1/4 cup Canola oil

  • 2 tsp Minced garlic

  • 1 tsp Minced fresh ginger

  • 1 Tbsp Sliced lemon grass, white part

  • 1 cup Canned coconut milk

  • 2 Tbsp Fish sauce

  • 1 Tbsp Brown sugar

  • 1 Tbsp Thai yellow curry paste

  • Fresh mint leaves

  • Thai fresh basil leaves


To prepare the sauce:

  1. Heat oil over medium-high heat.

  2. Put in garlic, ginger, sliced lemongrass; Add coconut milk, fish sauce, brown sugar, curry paste, mint, and basil.

  3. Stir for 2 to 3 minutes until thoroughly mixed.

  4. Remove from heat and set aside.

To prepare the fish:

  1. Add 1 to 2 inches of water to a steamer.

  2. Place shiitake and cilantro stems, ginger, and lemongrass on a dish that can fit inside the steamer and boil water.

  3. Season the fish with salt and pepper to taste; Add dish with ingredients.

  4. Steam for 8 minutes or until the fish is opaque.

  5. While the fish is being steamed, heat 1/4 cup of olive oil.

  6. Add pancetta and saute for about 3 minutes or until it becomes golden brown.

  7. Transfer the pancetta to paper towels to drain.

  8. Increase heat to high until the oil is shimmering then add the remaining 1/4 cup of oil.

  9. Add the garlic, asparagus, shiitake caps, artichoke and saute for 2 more minutes; Wait until mushrooms are tender and the asparagus turns crisp.

  10. Add spinach with other ingredients and saute for a minute.

  11. Remove fish from steamer, arrange on top of the vegetables.

  12. Spread the warm sauce around the fish.

  13. Place fresh basil leaves to garnish (optional)

  14. Serve.

There you have it—a beauty meal plan to help you look effortlessly beautiful every day. Because you know what they say, beauty starts from the inside out. Of course, there are other beauty-enhancing foods that you can replace your current meal plan with. Some of which include oysters, avocado, carrots, almonds, berries, chickpeas, and green tea. But for now, you can start with these simple meal plans. Always remember, you are what you eat. So if you want to look gorgeous 24/7, start by eating your way to it.

Belo's Beauty Tips!

Here are some of my good friend Vicki Belo’s beauty tips that you shouldn’t miss:

 1. ALWAYS WEAR SUNBLOCK (even when you’re not going outside) - UV rays don’t only affect your skin when you go directly under the sun. Even when you’re inside a car or working near a window, you’re still prone to sun damage so better arm yourself with a good sunblock.

2. PROPERLY CLEAN YOUR FACE BEFORE GOING TO BED - How do you remove makeup and wash your face before going to sleep at night? You have to ask yourself this question the next time you do it. The proper way to clean your face is by removing all the makeup—not just on your face but also the area near your ears, under your chin, and your neck as well. Some people get breakouts in those areas because they neglect to clean it thoroughly. 

3. AVOID USING MOISTURIZERS - Moisturizers are a band aid solution. It doesn’t help you produce new skin. It makes the skin appear softer but what it actually does is just piling on the dead skin. So instead of moisturizers, use exfoliating agents to reveal a nice new baby skin underneath. I promise, it’ll make your skin look glowing and healthy.

4. REGULARLY DRINK HYDROGEN WATER - Hydrogen water helps treat a number of health problems because of hydrogen’s antioxidants. As you know, antioxidants help reduce body inflammation, so when you regularly drink hydrogen water, it reduces the risk of having chronic pain, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol (not mention, it also works wonders for your skin.)

5. AVOID RUBBING - Okay this applies to rubbing your eyes, underarms, and the groin area (singit). Rubbing causes friction. This could lead to skin irritation and eventually darkening of the area. You don’t want dark eye circles, underarms, and singit, don’t you? 

6. GET ENOUGH SLEEP - Having adequate sleep is one of the most important beauty tips. When you sleep, your body heals and recuperates. It helps lower your stress level and the risk of body inflammation which is the cause of various diseases. Getting enough sleep (at least 7 hours) doesn’t only make you look good, it boosts your mood and improves your health.

As an even bigger bonus, I’m sharing this video of myself getting one of my favorite facial procedures at Belo Medical Clinic. I’m vouching for its effectivity! Try it when you can.

For 28 years, Belo Medical Group remains the number 1 medical aesthetic clinic in the Philippines. Under the leadership of founder Dr. Vicki Belo, a good friend of Chef Reggie, Belo Medical Group has pioneered in so many beauty breakthroughs in the country, such as liposuction, surgical and non-surgical beauty procedures, and more.

Check out Belo Medical Group HERE.